About Me

First, I want to say that if you are crippled with anxiety and want a CURE, I am here to tell you that CURE is 100% possible no matter HOW LONG or HOW SEVERELY you have suffered or HOW MUCH OF A COWARD you think yourself to be.

This website and all it’s contents are ENTIRELY FREE and not trying to sell you anything

I have suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember from around 6 or 7. My first panic attack was when I was 8 years old. I am now 37.

My anxiety developed into health anxiety in my teens with constant visits to the doctors or consulting the medical encyclopaedia (there was no Google back then!). From there I developed OCD, worsening health anxiety, panic attacks, panic disorder, agoraphobia, intrusive thoughts and general anxiety. From the age of 22 my anxiety has been truly crippling to the point where I became a completely housebound and bed bound agoraphobic - scared to move in case I cause my body any damage!

There is nothing my anxiety has not thrown at me over the years. I have called ambulances, A&E visits, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, every medical test available, man, I have even been sectioned! And there is NO SYMPTOM I HAVE NOT HAD!

I went through all the usual “supposed” treatments - CBT (5 times), Phycology therapy, medication such as SSRIs (Max Dose of most of them), mindfulness, meditation, hypnosis - you name it, I’ve tried it - nothing worked! In fact, it made it all WORSE!! They even put my on an anti-psychotic once!!

In 2019 - I changed my outlook - I started searching the internet for solutions. I began learning about the true psyco-physiology of anxiety. I learned how the neurology of the body works to the point I can tell you in minute detail how the entire stress response of the nervous system worked!

After 4 years of searching from 2019-2023, I kept having small glimmers anxiety recovery but they kept being followed by anxiety relapses (set backs) or I relapsed back to alcohol (yes I am also a recovering alcoholic). Even with all the knowledge I gained, I still had one question I couldn’t answer - why is everything I feel SO INTENSE.

Then I found the golden apple in April 2023 - Dr Claire Weekes!!! And the final missing piece of the puzzle - SENSISTIZATION! I was outraged to discover that she and her book was written in 1962!!! Why the hell is this information hidden away! Not one Dr or therapist or so called “Anxiety or Mental Health professional” I have spoken to has ever mentioned her or heard of her!

From discovering Dr Weekes only a few months ago (as I write this), my recovery has not quite gone to plan with lots of failures, set backs and physical illnesses dragging my back. But I truly believe the solution firmly lies in the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes.

This website is designed to contain the information YOU NEED to fully RECOVER from anxiety, without having to waste 15 years searching like I did.

This website and all it’s contents are dedicated to the late and great, Dr Claire Weekes - The women who cracked the anxiety code!

I have put together a list of useful resources which contains ALL YOU NEED to completely RECOVER! Please check out the useful info page

This website is still under construction and I will add to it as my recovery progresses.